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What IS Yarn

Short introduction to Yarn, a popular open-source package manager for JavaScript.

Yarn is an open-source package manager for JavaScript. It was developed by Facebook in collaboration with other tech companies and the open-source community to address some of the limitations and challenges faced by developers when managing JavaScript dependencies.

What IS Yarn - Tutorial provided by AppSeed.

Yarn is specifically designed for managing packages and dependencies for JavaScript and Node.js applications.

Here are key features and aspects of Yarn:

Fast and Reliable

Yarn was created with a focus on speed and reliability. It uses a global cache to store downloaded packages, which makes it faster when installing dependencies for multiple projects or when switching between projects.


Yarn uses a yarn.lock file to ensure deterministic dependency resolution. This means that when you install dependencies for a project, Yarn ensures that the same versions of packages are used across different installations, reducing the likelihood of dependency conflicts.

Concurrent Installs

Yarn can perform concurrent (parallel) package installations, making the process faster by utilizing multiple network connections and CPU cores.

Offline Mode

Yarn has an offline mode that allows developers to install packages without an internet connection. This is useful for working in environments with limited or no internet access.


Yarn introduced a feature called "workspaces" that allows developers to manage multiple packages within a single repository more efficiently. Workspaces make it easier to handle monorepos and multi-package projects.

License Checks

Yarn includes a feature to check and report on the licenses of installed packages, helping developers maintain license compliance in their projects.

Custom Registries

Yarn allows developers to specify custom package registries, which is useful for organizations that have their own private package repositories.


Yarn is cross-platform and can be used on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Yarn integrates with popular JavaScript development tools like npm (Node Package Manager) and Babel, ensuring compatibility with existing workflows.

Active Community

Yarn has an active and growing community of users and contributors who provide support, maintain plugins, and contribute to the development of the package manager.

✅ In Summary

It's worth noting that while Yarn provides an alternative to npm, both package managers serve the same purpose of managing JavaScript dependencies. Developers can choose to use Yarn or npm based on their preferences and project requirements.

In many cases, the choice between Yarn and npm comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of the project.

✅ Resources