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What IS Dashboard

Learn more about dashboards.

A "dashboard" in the context of programming and software development can refer to different things depending on the context.

What IS a Dashboard - Tutorial provided by AppSeed.

Here are a few common interpretations:

User Interface (UI) Dashboard

In web and application development, a dashboard is often a graphical user interface (GUI) element that provides users with a quick overview of important information or functionality. Dashboards typically consist of widgets, charts, graphs, and data visualizations that allow users to monitor and interact with data or control various aspects of a system.

For example, a business intelligence dashboard might display key performance indicators (KPIs) and analytics in a user-friendly format.

Admin Dashboard

An admin dashboard is a specific type of user interface designed for administrators or system operators to manage and control a software application or system. It often provides tools and features for configuring settings, monitoring system health, and performing administrative tasks.

Dashboard Framework

Some programming frameworks and libraries offer tools and components for building dashboards efficiently. These frameworks provide pre-designed UI elements and often include features for data visualization, responsive design, and interactivity, making it easier for developers to create dashboards for their applications.

Dashboard Application

In some cases, "dashboard" can refer to an entire application or software system that primarily focuses on presenting data or information in a summarized and visually appealing way. These applications are commonly used for business reporting, monitoring, and decision-making.

Operating System Dashboard

In the context of an operating system (e.g., Windows or macOS), a dashboard might refer to a central location where users can access widgets, app shortcuts, system status information, and other useful tools. This is often a customizable area of the desktop designed to provide quick access to frequently used features.

✅ Free Dashboard Samples

Material Dashboard

Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, Material Dashboard 2 is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps.

Material Dashboard - Free & Open-Source Dashboard by Creative-Tim.

Django Bootstrap 5 Volt

Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django with Database, DB Tools, OAuth via Github and Docker Support.

MaterialVolt BS5 Dashboard - Free & Open-Source Dashboard crafted AppSeed & Themesberg.

✅ In Summary

The exact meaning of "dashboard" can vary based on the specific domain and application in which it is used. It generally implies a user-friendly and informative interface for presenting data or facilitating interaction with a system or application.

✅ Resources