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Short introduction to PIP

PIP stands for "Pip Installs Packages," and it is the default package manager for Python. PIP is used to install, upgrade, and manage Python packages and libraries from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other package repositories.

What IS Pipenv - Tutorial provided by AppSeed.

It plays a crucial role in the Python ecosystem by simplifying the process of installing and managing third-party packages and dependencies for Python projects.

Here are some key features and functions of PIP:


PIP is typically included with Python installations starting from Python 3.3 and later. In Python 2, it can be installed separately. To check if you have PIP installed, you can run the command pip --version in your terminal.

Package Installation

You can use PIP to install Python packages and libraries from PyPI and other sources. For example, to install a package, you can use the command pip install package_name.

Dependency Resolution

PIP automatically resolves dependencies when installing packages. It ensures that all required packages and their compatible versions are installed.

Upgrade Packages

PIP can be used to upgrade packages to their latest versions with the pip install --upgrade package_name command.

Uninstall Packages

You can remove installed packages using pip uninstall package_name.

Search for Packages

PIP provides a search feature (pip search) to find packages on PyPI based on keywords or package names.

Requirements Files

PIP can install packages listed in a requirements file (requirements.txt) with a single command, making it easy to recreate the same environment on different systems.

Virtual Environments

While PIP itself doesn't create virtual environments, it is commonly used in conjunction with tools like virtualenv and venv to manage isolated Python environments. This helps prevent conflicts between packages installed in different projects.

Wheel and Source Distributions

PIP can install packages from wheel distributions (binary distribution format) or source distributions (source code), depending on what's available on PyPI.

Installation from Version Control

PIP can install packages directly from version control repositories like Git and Mercurial using VCS URLs.

PIP Commands

  • pip install package_name: Installs a Python package.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt: Installs packages listed in a requirements file.
  • pip uninstall package_name: Uninstalls a Python package.
  • pip freeze: Lists all installed packages and their versions.
  • pip search search_query: Searches for packages on PyPI.
  • pip show package_name: Displays information about a specific package.

✅ In Summary

While PIP is a powerful and widely used package manager, it's worth noting that there are other Python package management tools like Poetry and Conda, which offer additional features and capabilities tailored to specific use cases and workflows.

✅ Resources