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What IS Nginx

Short introduction to Nginx

Nginx (pronounced "engine-x") is a popular open-source web server, reverse proxy server, and load balancer. It's known for its high performance, stability, and scalability, making it a common choice for serving web content, handling incoming requests, and distributing traffic to multiple web servers or application backends.

Nginx was created by Igor Sysoev and released as open-source software in 2004. It has since gained widespread adoption and is used by many websites and web applications worldwide.

What IS Nginx - Tutorial provided by AppSeed.

Key features and characteristics of Nginx include:

Web Server

Nginx can serve static content, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images, directly to clients (web browsers) via HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It's known for its efficiency in handling a large number of concurrent connections with minimal resource usage.

Reverse Proxy

Nginx can act as a reverse proxy server, forwarding client requests to backend web servers or application servers. This allows you to set up a load balancer, distribute incoming traffic among multiple servers, and enhance the security and performance of your web applications.

Load Balancer

Nginx's load balancing capabilities allow you to distribute incoming requests evenly across multiple backend servers, helping to optimize resource utilization, improve availability, and ensure high availability and fault tolerance.

SSL/TLS Termination

Nginx can terminate SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) connections, offloading the encryption and decryption process from backend servers. This helps reduce the computational load on the application servers and simplifies the management of SSL/TLS certificates.

Reverse Proxy Cache

Nginx can cache the responses from backend servers, reducing the load on application servers and improving response times for clients. This is particularly useful for serving static or semi-static content.

URL Rewriting

Nginx provides powerful URL rewriting and redirection capabilities, allowing you to modify or manipulate URLs as they pass through the server. This is often used for creating SEO-friendly URLs or handling legacy URL structures.

Access Control and Security

Nginx allows you to implement access control rules, limit request rates, and protect against various types of attacks, such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) and SQL injection.

High Availability

Nginx can be deployed in high-availability configurations to ensure that your web services remain accessible even in the event of server failures.

Community and Add-Ons

Nginx has a vibrant community and a wide range of third-party modules and extensions available, which can extend its functionality to meet various use cases.

✅ In Summary

Nginx is often used in conjunction with other web technologies, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, and Node.js, to create complete web hosting environments. It's valued for its ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently, making it suitable for high-traffic websites and web applications.

Overall, Nginx is a versatile and reliable web server and proxy server that is well-suited for a wide range of web hosting and application deployment scenarios.

✅ Resources