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What IS JAMStack

Short introduction to JAMstack

JAMstack is a modern web development architecture and methodology that stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. It represents a shift in how web applications and websites are built and delivered.

What IS JAMStack - Tutorial provided by AppSeed.

Here's a breakdown of each component of JAMstack:

JavaScript (JS)

JavaScript is used for client-side functionality and interactivity in JAMstack applications. It typically handles tasks such as user interface enhancements, form handling, and dynamic content rendering in the browser. JAMstack projects often use modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular for this purpose.


APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in JAMstack. They provide the dynamic functionality and data retrieval needed for web applications. These APIs can be third-party services, serverless functions, or custom-built endpoints that deliver data in a structured format (usually JSON) for consumption by the frontend.


Markup refers to the pre-built, static HTML files that make up the core content and structure of a JAMstack site. These files are generated at build time, meaning they don't change unless you explicitly rebuild the site. This static nature has several benefits, including better performance, security, and scalability.

✅ JAMstack Advantages

  • Performance: Static files are served directly from content delivery networks (CDNs), which are optimized for speed and global distribution. This results in faster load times.

  • Security: Since there's no server-side code execution in the traditional sense, many common security vulnerabilities are mitigated.

  • Scalability: Scaling static assets is straightforward because CDNs can handle large amounts of traffic easily.

  • Developer Experience: Separating the frontend from the backend allows for a clear separation of concerns. Developers can work on the frontend independently, and the deployment process is simplified.

  • Maintainability: JAMstack sites are easier to maintain and update because changes can be made to the content or frontend without worrying about the backend infrastructure.

  • Reduced Hosting Costs: Hosting static files on CDNs is often more cost-effective than traditional server-based hosting.

✅ In Summary

While JAMstack has many advantages, it's not suitable for every type of web application. It works best for content-driven sites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and other projects where most of the content is relatively static and doesn't require real-time updates.

For more dynamic applications, JAMstack can be combined with serverless functions or other backend services to handle specific functionalities while still benefiting from the overall architecture.

✅ Resources