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Form Libraries For Django

Learn what options do we have while coding Forms in Django

There are several popular Options for coding forms in Django, each with its own set of features and use cases.

Here are some other popular form-related options in the Django ecosystem:

Django ModelForms

Django provides a powerful feature called ModelForms, which automatically generates form classes based on Django models. This is particularly useful for creating forms that interact with database models. With ModelForms, you can create, update, and validate model instances through forms without writing a lot of custom code.

Crispy Forms

A flexible option that allows to use Crispy Forms with other CSS frameworks like Foundation, Semantic UI, or custom CSS. By changing the CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting, you can easily adapt your forms to different styles.

Django Widget Tweaks

Widget Tweaks is a lightweight library that allows you to manipulate form widgets directly in templates. It provides template tags for easily modifying widget attributes without having to define a custom form class or use Crispy Forms.

Django Formsets

Formsets in Django are used to handle multiple forms on the same page. They are useful when you want to work with a set of forms, such as multiple instances of the same form or a formset based on a related model.

Django Dynamic Forms

Dynamic Forms is a library that lets you create forms dynamically based on user input or other conditions. This can be useful for building dynamic form interfaces or handling forms with varying fields.

Django Inline Formsets

Inline formsets are a way to handle multiple related forms in a single view, such as editing related objects inline within a parent object's form. They are often used in admin interfaces.

Django AJAX Forms

You can use JavaScript and AJAX to create interactive forms in Django. Libraries like jQuery and Axios can be used to send and receive data asynchronously, allowing you to update form fields or submit forms without page refreshes.

Django Form Wizards

Form Wizards are used when you have a multi-step form that collects data across multiple pages. Django provides a SessionWizardView to simplify the process of creating and managing multi-step forms.

Third-Party Form Libs

There are various third-party libraries that provide advanced form features.

Some popular options include django-formtools for form wizard views, django-extra-views for create/update/delete views, and django-autocomplete-light for autocomplete fields.

REST Framework Forms:

If you are building a RESTful API with Django, you can use Django REST Framework's serializers to handle form-like validation and data manipulation for incoming JSON requests.

✅ In Summary

Each of these options has its own use cases and advantages, so the choice of which to use depends on the specific requirements of your project. Django's flexibility and the availability of third-party packages make it relatively easy to work with forms in various ways to suit your needs.

✅ Resources