Flask Tabler
Admin dashboard generated by AppSeed in Flask on top of Tabler Dashboard.
Tabler is a UI kit that speeds up the development process and makes it easier than ever! Built on the latest version of Bootstrap, it helps you create templates based on fully customizable and ready-to-use UI components, which can be used by both simple websites and sophisticated systems.
Sources: https://github.com/app-generator/flask-dashboard-tabler
✅ Features
- UI Kit: Tabler design (free version)
- DBMS: SQLite, PostgreSQL (production)
- DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Flask-Migrate (schema migrations)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, HEROKU
✅ Resources
- 👉 Access AppSeed for more starters and support
- 👉 Get in touch for Custom Development Services