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Install MySql on Windows

Learn how to install MySql on Windows based systems

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) where data is organized into one or more data tables in which data types may be related to each other.

SQL is a language programmers use to create, modify and extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access to the database.

In addition to relational databases and SQL, MySQL implements a relational database in a computer's storage system and manages users.

Step 1 - Download the installer

Download the MySQL Installer from

MySql - Select Installer for Windows

Execute the installer

  • Accept the license (mandatory action)
  • Select the installation type: developer (recommnended), server-only or custom
  • Complete the configuration process by following the on-screen instructions

Install a visual client - MySQL Workbench

This tool allows us to interact with the server, create new databases, visualize existing data and make SQL queries.

MySql Workbench - Visual Installer

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