Tailwind Templates
Tailwind-related content providd by AppSeed.
Tailwind CSS is a popular utility-first CSS framework that allows you to rapidly build user interfaces by composing classes. It's known for its simplicity and flexibility.
Here's a comprehensive introduction with coding samples to get you started:
✅ Installation
Before using Tailwind CSS, you need to install it via npm or yarn. Make sure you have a new or existing HTML file to work with.
# Install Tailwind CSS
npm install tailwindcss
# Create a configuration file (if not already present)
npx tailwindcss init
✅ Setting Up HTML
Create an HTML file (e.g., index.html
) and include Tailwind CSS in the head of your document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tailwindcss@2.2.15/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<title>Your App</title>
<!-- Your content goes here -->
✅ Basic Styling
Let's create a button using Tailwind CSS classes.
<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
Click me
This code creates a blue button with white text that turns darker on hover.
✅ Responsive Design
Tailwind makes it easy to create responsive layouts. Here's a simple example of a responsive grid.
<div class="lg:flex lg:justify-between">
<div class="lg:w-1/4">Sidebar</div>
<div class="lg:w-3/4">Main Content</div>
In this example, the layout changes from a single column to a two-column layout on large screens (lg
✅ Customization
You can customize Tailwind CSS by editing your tailwind.config.js
file. For example, if you want to add your custom colors:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
'primary': '#FF5722',
'secondary': '#2196F3',
variants: {},
plugins: [],
Now, you can use these custom colors in your HTML:
<div class="bg-primary text-white">Primary Background</div>
<div class="bg-secondary text-white">Secondary Background</div>
✅ Free Tailwind Samples
These examples should give you a good start with Tailwind CSS. For production-ready starters & templates, feel free to access the products listed in this section:
📄️ Argon Dashboard
Modern Tailwind Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim using Argon Design
📄️ Material Dashboard React
Free Material Tailwind Admin Template based on Tailwind CSS and React
📄️ Notus React
Start your development with a Free Tailwind CSS and React UI Kit and Admin.
📄️ Soft UI Dashboard
Modern Tailwind Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim using Soft Design
📄️ Soft UI Flowbite
Modern Tailwind Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim using Flowbite
✅ Resources
- 👉 Access AppSeed and start your next project
- 👉 Deploy Projects on Aws, Azure and Digital Ocean via DeployPRO
- 👉 Create an amazing landing page with Simpllo, an open-source site builder
- 👉 Django App Generator - A 2nd generation App Builder