Paper Dashboard PRO
Premium Bootstrap Template crafted by Creative Tim
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with a large number of components, designed to look neat and organized. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics.
- 👉 Paper Dashboard PRO -
product page
hosted by Creative-Tim - 👉 Paper Dashboard PRO -
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO is the extended version of Paper Dashboard. This premium template comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful.
✅ Resources​
- 👉 Access AppSeed and start your next project
- 👉 Deploy Projects on Aws, Azure and Digital Ocean via DeployPRO
- 👉 Create an amazing landing page with Simpllo, an open-source site builder
- 👉 Django App Generator - A 2nd generation App Builder